UM School of Engineering moves to LATU Technology Park

The launching of the new premises of the UM’s School of Engineering in the LATU Technology Park took place on Thursday, November 12. In attendance were the Secretary of the President of Uruguay, Mr. Álvaro Delgado; the Minister of Education and Culture, Mr. Pablo da Silveira; the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, Eng. Omar Paganini; the Rector of the Universidad de Montevideo, PhD Juan Manuel Gutiérrez Carrau and the President of LATU, Eng. Ruperto Long.
The Universidad de Montevideo and LATU signed a cooperation agreement that enables the construction of a new building, equipped with state of the art laboratories and classrooms that will enhance the development of the UM’s educational strategy. The UM’s focus is on the excellence of its academic programs and the quality of its teachers, as well as on its holistic approach with students and graduates alike.
According to Rector Gutiérrez Carrau, this transition entails strategic growth for the School and for the University as a whole, and is confirmation of the University´s commitment to promote the development of science in the country.
Dean Claudio Ruibal stated that since its inception, twenty-six years ago, the School of Engineering has had a strong vocation to work side by side with the business sector. He pointed out that the UM students and researchers will have the opportunity to engage in real projects with the companies installed in the Technology Park and extends the possibility of collaboration ventures between UM and LATU in the near future.
Engineer Long, President of LATU, emphasized that educational institutions such as the Universidad de Montevideo are a fundamental component for the growth of the ecosystem of the Technology Park. He welcomed the UM School of Engineering stating that it will enable the interaction of students and companies in the continuing search for innovation and knowledge.