UM student and alumni to participate as leaders in Silicon Valley Meetup

Lucia Rodriguez (undergrad student at Business & Economics School) and Carolina Vassallucci (Alumni from the Communications School), have been chosen by the University Innovation Fellows program from (Stanford University) as two of 27 student event leaders for the program’s Silicon Valley Meetup, taking place August, 2020. This is the second year Carolina and Lucía have been asked to serve in this role, also known in the community of UIF as FABS.
The 27 FABS were hand-selected out of an international community of 2,200 Fellows for the impact they have had at their schools and for their contributions to the movement. At the event, they will represent their schools in front of 400 student and faculty attendees from 95 international higher education institutions. They will give presentations on their UIF work to all attendees, modeling for the new Fellows the kind of impact they can have at their own schools. Additionally, their demonstrated organization and leadership skills will be put to work as they lead and mentor teams of Fellows from different areas of the world.
The University Innovation Fellows program is a global program run by Stanford University’s Hasso Plattner Institute of Design ( that empowers student leaders to increase campus engagement with innovation, entrepreneurship, creativity and design thinking. You can read about the program here and about the March 2019 Silicon Valley Meetup here.